Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In the Beginning...

As a Mother, and more importantly, as a Christian mother, I have felt keenly the lack of information available about the Christian Principles in books.  I am an avid reader and have been since my early childhood- I remember bringing my favorite books to school and reading under a tree while my classmates played tag, on jungle gymns, swings, etc.  (My husband teases me that I devour books!)
As I grew older, and I grew out of books like "A Little Princess" and "The Secret Garden," (both of which I highly recommend, by the way, and I will write up separate reviews for eventually)  I started encountering stories that had "surprises" that would make me feel very uncomfortable.  It came to the point that I would be overly cautious about reading new books, because I hated those distasteful surprises and the way I felt afterward.  I felt so bad inside.  For years I re-read my own childhood classics, as well as more mature classics, by authors such as Jane Austen, the Bronte sisters, etc, because I was avoiding new books and potential "R-rated scenes".  As an adult, and especially as a mother, I did not want my children to experience these kind of "surprises" before they are prepared or knew how to deal with them. 
The main reason I started this blog was to reach out to other Mothers out there.  I have been previewing each book that my daughter (age 8) reads, and I hope that other mothers, with high standards and desires to teach and prepare their children well, will find this blog helpful to them.  After all, not every Mother has the time to read each book before their children do! 
I have chosen to keep my reviews simple, and base them on the 10 Commandments.  I will include a short personal opinion at the end of each review, however, the main purpose of this blog is to offer the kind of information that Christian mothers and children will want to know, and discuss beforehand; not to offer up a review of the writer's talent, a plot summary or the popularity of each particular story. 
I welcome comments and suggestions of every kind, however, I ask that you be respectful of the intent of this blog, and keep things clean and appropriate for all viewers on this blog. 
Thanks for all your input!

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